Sunday, May 22, 2016


Anything else?

Yes, only I'm not sure how to articulate what I want to say.

The school year has dragged on and flew by at the same time. How is that even possible? But, it is, and now it's Sunday and school ends this week.

Next year, I'll be a senior. I've heard that senior year is the best, but all I can say is that I hope it's better than junior year.

I won't miss much from this year.

I'll miss CW, and photography, and English class with my friends. But, other than that? Not much. I'll be in CW2, I'll still take pictures, and I'll see my friends again. So, it doesn't matter, does it?

This class was one of the only things that made this year suck a little bit less. Thanks, Nelson. And that last day almost made me start crying and I'm not even a senior, for goodness sake. Goodbyes make me emotional.

But it's not goodbye, it's see you later. See you next year, maybe, or see you in ten years when we run into each other at the grocery store, when we both have six kids and a busy schedule, when we stop being afraid of the future and embrace it. I hope I'll see all of you later.

Thanks for being in this class. Thanks for accepting me and not laughing (too hard) at me, and thanks for being my friends. It means more than you'll ever know.

Hannah, thanks for your note in class. It made me smile.

Madi, thanks for being you. You're fantastic.

Everybody else- thanks for being you.

See you later.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

what does the heart say

dear c,
        figure out your life. you only have a year left, you know.

one year left.

is that enough time to do everything you've always wanted to do?

that's up to you.

you can't keep procrastinating forever, as much as we both know you'd like to.

so, don't.

and don't forget about me, either.

your heart

Blue Ticket(s)

What are your found dreams?

Sunday, May 15, 2016


I remember the moment I fell in love.

I remember the moment I thought I didn't care anymore.

I also remember the moment when I was reminded why I loved him in the first place.

Is it bad to sometimes wish that I didn't remember? That I could forget everything? Sometimes, I want to. It would be a lot less painful if this had never happened, if I didn't have to watch him leave and if I didn't keep checking my phone to see if he texted me back yet.

But this isn't meant to be a sad post, is it?

I have happy memories, too. Memories of laughing and teasing and him calling me beautiful. I have memories of watching Disney movies and laughing until I thought I was going to throw up, and I remember the happiness I felt when he told me we should hang out sometime.

So, yeah. It's almost ironic that I'm writing this post today, because this is a very nostalgic day. But that's not always a bad thing, right? Some days are just like that.

Some days, it's okay to remember.